Blender Beginner Part 02

Step 34

Now the new name of the file will be displayed at the very top of your screen.

Step 35

Rotate the view of the table by holding down the MMB and moving the mouse. I also changed the viewport from orthogonal to perspective. The type of viewport shading used for the table has been solid.

Step 36

Select the dropdown option for viewport shading and select bounding box.

Step 37

The table should now look like this.

Step 38

Select the dropdown option for viewport shading and select wireframe. The table should now look like this.

Step 39

Select the dropdown option for viewport shading and select shading. The table should now look like this. Because the lamp is above the table it emits light onto the table.

Step 40

Select the dropdown option for viewport shading and select textured. The table should now look like this. Because the there are no textures attached(or the type of video card used) no textures can be seen.

Step 41

Change the viewport shading back to solid. Go to the layer 7.

Step 42

Select the glass. Press . and press 3 in the numpad.

Step 43

Change the viewport shading to wireframe and change the viewport accordingly. Zoomout until a pink dot can be seen.

Step 44

Hit S to scale or R to rotate. Notice the scaling and rotation is weird. This is because the objects center is off. We are going to correct the objects center so scaling, rotating, and moving is easier. If you accidentally scaled or rotated the object, hit ctrl + Z to undo.

Step 45

So far we have been in Object Mode. To recenter the glass object go the mode drop down menu and choose Edit Mode.

Step 46

Although edit mode can be used for editing meshes we are going to use it for centering the object. All of the mesh's vertex are yellow indicating that they all selected.

Step 47

To deselect all of the vertex press A.

Step 48

Press A again and move the object by pressing G and moving the mouse cursor. Move the object so that the pink dot is in the middle of the mesh.

Step 49

Do the same for the top view. Check all of the view to make sure the pink dot is in the middle of the object on all sides.

Step 50

Go back to object mode by selecting it from the dropdown menu or pressing Tab.

Step 51

Rotate or scale the object. Notice that it rotates and scales in a more normal way.

Step 52

Move the glass to layer 1 with the table, lamp, and camera. Go to layer 1. Note that the glass is considerably larger than the table.

Step 53

Resize and align the glass by using scale, panning the viewport and moving the glass.

Step 54

Change the view and set the viewport shading to solid. Select the glass.

Step 55

In the Modifiers tab press Add Modifier. Select the Subsurf modifier.

Step 56

Notice the glass looks smoothed. This is because all of the larger polygons were subdivided into more smaller polygons. By changing the levels subdivision the smoother the glass will look. The more you subdivide the more computational resources object will take up.

Step 57

Although the glass is smoother, if we were to render the file it would still look faceted. Make the object look smooth for rendering by pressing the Set Smooth button in the Links and Materials panel.

Step 58

If the panels buttons, fonts, etc are too small to read, move the mouse cursor over the buttons, hold ctrl while scrolling the MMB. This will change the button size. Hold the MMB and drag will pan the button panel.

Step 59

Reset the panel view by clicking the RMB and selecting panel alignment>horizontal.

Step 60

Now all of panel view is resized.

Step 61

By selecting the triangle next to a panel with minimize the panel.

Step 62

Holding the LMB on the top of a panel and dragging it will allow you to move a panel in a different order.

Step 63

The process of moving the panel to the right looks like this.

Step 64

Notice the Multires panel was moved to the right of the Links and Materials panel.

Step 65

When in the Save As file browser window press +. This will move the number for the saved file up one increment. Your file should be saved as Room02.blend